What We Do

Today's modern life and businesses depend on their communications system to keep in competition.

Public utilities along with private infrastructure have become the key connectors in global commerce for quality of life in communities.

Such services and communication capabilities must be protected in order that people enjoy seamless supply of connectivity to "things" on daily basis.

This is where we come in. Our work is to detect the presence and proximity of buried utilities to safeguard against utility strikes before any excavation process. We pride ourselves to be part of the industry team who protect and maintain the existing underground infrastructure that is constantly building up in terms of size, complexity and challenged reliability.


In keeping up with the latest technology, we approach underground utility detection in several ways. Whether they are electrical cables, communication lines, control and security wires and metallic /non-metallic pipes for water, gas, fuel or sewers, we offer a variety of methods to detect and pinpoint them.

As each detection method has its own unique features and capabilities, there is no one single device that can identify all buried utilities at the same time. Cable detection entails work that comes with field experience and site observation to be substantially accurate.

By Passive Signals:

Any underground utility that has a magnetic field, including the 50/60Hz electromagnetic generated by the energized AC power lines, can be picked up by a magnetic locator (receiver) under ideal conditions.

By Active Signals:

When conditions permit, signals will be injected into metallic utility and traced with a compatible receiver. In the old days, once a partially exposed metallic utility was thought to be a metal pipe when it turned out to be the barrel of a cannon that was used during the 2nd World War.

For non-metallic pipes and conduits made of concrete, asbestos, stoneware, PVC, fiberglass or PE, a sonde could be inserted to do tracing when necessary.

* A sonde is a miniature transmitter that is battery operated and omits a specific frequency your locator will receive.

By Radio Frequency:

Any metallic objects that behaves like a radio antenna, and transmits radio frequency (RF) can picked up by a receiver.


As part of our services to our clients, we also undertake trial trenching work after site detection is completed.


We provide cable identification services to distinguish cables based on their types, cable class and ratings to support cable diversion and/or termination works.


We do cable tracing for underground cabling network, where appropriate.


We can help to locate the exact fault that lies within a damaged cable network and produce fault tracing reports to help you decide if the cable run needs a replacement or reparation.